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Adult procedures

Hernia Surgery

When a part of a structure inside the belly (abdominal cavity) protrudes out though the wall of the abdomen, doctors call the condition a hernia.

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Mostly people are aware of hernias on the outside the belly wall (External hernias), but there are hernia that occur inside the abdominal cavity and are called internal hernias such as Hiatus hernia.

Key Hole Gall Bladder Surgery

Gall bladder is a small sac situated under the liver on the right side of the rib cage. It stores bile, produced by the liver and releases the bile into the intestine from time to time for digestion of fat. The bile drains into the intestine via tube called Bile Duct.

The Operation of Removing Gall Bladder (Cholecystectopmy)

The operation is done under General anaesthesia.

In my experience almost 98% of the gall bladders can be removed through keyhole (Laparoscopic) surgery, by making 3-4 small cuts in the right side of the belly. Unfortunately it is not always possible to say which patient is going to be one of the 98% and which one is one of the 2% (in whom the operation has to be converted into the conventional open type involving a cut just under the right rib cage), until the surgeon has put the camera into the belly and has looked around the structures that need to be dissected during the procedure.

Key Hole Appendicitis

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Appendix is a small out pouching of the large bowel called Caecum. It is a vestigial organ and lies on the right lower part of the belly. It can be safely removed without any ill effect to the body functions.

Pilonidal Sinus

It used to be called "JEEP DRIVERS DISEASE"

A nest of dead hair in the cleavage between the buttocks deposit in a small congenital dimple or a crack in the skin, starting an inflammation, which burrows under the skin forming channels called sinus tracks.

The inflammations, progresses to become a collection of pus, which gives rise to a painful swelling. This bursts to discharge the pus, relieving the pain for some time, till the pus builds up again.


Removal of Foreskin of penis

Most commonly it is done under general anaesthesia (by putting the child to sleep), because the pain caused by local anaesthesia or no anaesthesia can have serious or even fatal consequences.

Majority of the hospitals (NHS or Private) do not allow this operation done before the child is three years old, as it is normally not indicated before that age and the risk of anaesthesia in a smaller child is too high for this simple operation.

Anal Fissure (Tear in the back passage)

It is a small tear in the skin of the opening of anus.

It is a common condition in every age group

How do I know if I have a fissure:

You do not need to go looking for one, as it would make itself clear by the feeling that something has just got torn in the back passage or feeling of passing razor blades, usually at the time of opening the bowels or soon after that.

Chronic Fissure

These usually do not heal by themselves or with local medication, but one can try medicines such as Glyceryl Trinitrate. It aims to relax the internal sphincter and let the edges of fissure come together. It dilates the blood vessels and can cause headache in some people.

Injection of BOTOX A can help reduce the muscle spasm and thus aid healing.

Piles (Haemorrhoids)

Are very common problem. Nearly 50% of the population suffers from piles sometime in their life.

They are common in young adults and more common in ladies

Piles are blood filled tissue in the back passage.

External Piles

Is a name given to a small, but very painful clot on the anal verge.

It is also used by people to describe skin tags in the edge of the anus.

How do I know if I have piles?

Common symptoms are:
Bleeding from back passage at the end of a bowel movement
Itching around the anus
Discomfort after opening bowels
Mucus discharge
Something protruding out of the anus